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[Announcement] Application for degree examinations for graduate students in first semester of the 111th academic year

Graduate students who wish to apply for a thesis/dissertation defense shall be subject to the following guidelines:

1. Application period is from August 4th 2022 to January 18th,2023. Please lodge your application online: https://selcrs.nsysu.edu.tw/edu_apply/edu_apply_login.asp

2. Last date for the Degree Examination: January 31, 2023. (Tuesday)

3. Please refer to the related regulations in the attachments.

4. All graduate thesis must pass the similarity check, which shall be done in two stages:

a. The first stage is the similarity check of the first draft of the thesis before the degree examination application.

b. The second stage is the similarity check of the final version of your thesis after the degree examination.

5. Please submit the first draft of your thesis and the first similarity check report to your oral examination committee at least one week before the oral examination day.

6. The latest date to submit the grade for the degree examination for students who applied this semester is January 31. Graduate students should complete the Leave School procedures before the registration day of the following semester (on February 13, 2023).

7. Graduate students who complete the Leave School procedure in the middle of the semester may apply for the partial refund of the tuition fee paid.

8. Revocation of degree examination application: Graduate students who applied for the degree examination in this semester but could not hold the oral examination before January 31 should apply for revocation online.

9. Deferral List: (for graduate students who have not surpassed the study time limit)

a. Graduate students who have completed the degree examination in the current semester (i.e., passed both the thesis examination and the thesis review) and are unable to graduate before the registration date of the next semester (February 13, 112).

b. Graduate students who have passed the dissertation examinations in the current semester but fail to pass the thesis review by the registration date (Feb. 13, 112). The deferral will be limited to the end of the next semester.

10. Invalid Exam:

a. If a student failed to pass the thesis examination before the enrollment date for the next semester and had not yet reached the maximum study period, he or she must re-enroll next semester. If they still fail to complete the thesis review by the end of that semester, then the examination shall be declared invalid.

b. Once the degree examination has been conducted, if a student failed to complete the required courses and credits, or failed to meet the degree regulations of their department (institute) by the enrollment date of the next semester, then the examination shall be declared invalid.


For more details, please refer to the related regulations in the attachment.

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