
2024 IGPEHD Graduation Celebration

IGPEHD Graduation Celebration


Date & Time: Monday, June 17, 2024

3:00pm - 5:00pm

Location: SW1005, 10F Library Building, NSYSU

Event Comments:

The International Graduate Program of Education and Human Development's 2024 Graduation Celebration will take place on Monday, June 17, 2024, 3:00pm - 5:00pm, in the SW1005, 10F Library Building, NSYSU.  We look forward to welcoming our graduates and their guests!  

Cap & Gown Required? / Dress Code


Event Dress Code: 

For graduates and faculty, wearing graduation regalia is encouraged, but not required. If you choose to wear regalia, plan to arrive at the venue already dressed in your regalia.




Please contat #5599 for any questions. Thank you.

-International Graduate Program of Education and Human Development


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